The portfolio comprises a total of approximately 48,000 square meters and is fully leased to Continental Däck Sverige, Ebrex Sweden and Lyko Online and has a weighted rental period of 12 years. Access to the portfolio will be after construction is completed in 2019.
On behalf of Ängsö Logistik, Arctic has raised MSEK 180 (EUR 17.5M) in equity from Nordic institutional and private investors. This transaction was well received and the capital acquisition was heavily over-subscribed.
Ängsö Logistik is managed by Arctic Business Management and Hestia Fastighetsförvaltning.
"A completely new logistics portfolio with long leases and solid tenants in strong logistics positions is fully in line with our investment focus and something that enables stable returns to our investors over time," says Daniel Andersson, Head of Real Estate Corporate Finance, Arctic Securities.
"The transaction was very well recieved by our investors and further strengthens our position in the Nordic real estate market as Arctic now manages real estate in the Nordic region worth almost SEK 20 billion (EUR 1.94 billion). We look forward to 2019 and more interesting investment opportunities," says Anna Hallsten, CEO of Arctic Securities in Sweden.
WSA has acted as adviser to the seller and Roschier, WSP and Svalner have acted as advisor to the buyer.

Arctic acquires logistics in Sweden.
Image: Arctic Securities
Arctic Acquires Logistics
Nordic —
Ängsö Logistik, a real estate company established by Arctic Securities AS, affiliate Sweden ("Arctic") has acquired a portfolio of three logistics properties in Borås, Örebro and Vansbro from Logistic Contractor. The properties are under construction by Logistic Contractor with planned completion in 2019.
Axel Ohlsson
[email protected]