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A Successful Divestment for EAB: How the Fund Will Invest Now
Finland —
Jaakko Ristola, Head of Real Estate Investment Management for Elite Alfred Berg, on the major portfolio exit to Local Tapiola, and the intensive transaction period ahead.
“We See Logistics as a Wider Concept“
Finland —
Elite Alfred Berg has launched a new logistics property fund. Jaakko Ristola, Head of Real Estate Investment Management the investment focus, the regional strategy, and when the first investments are to expect.
“More Allocation Will Be Towards Logistics and Light Industrial”
Finland —
Jaakko Ristola, Head of Real Estate Investment Management at Elite Alfred Berg, on the major challenges for the investor during the turbulent times, and future investment targets.
Elite Alfred Berg on the Finnish Transaction Comeback
Finland —
Jaakko Ristola, Head of Real Estate Investment Management at Elite Alfred Berg: “More investors seem to look at the market actively now.”
“Corona Has Forced Investors to Find Other Themes”
Finland —
Jaakko Ristola, Head of Real Estate Investment Management at Elite Alfred Berg, on the new logistics focus for their funds, and investment targets for 2021.
Cromwell Divests Light Industrial Portfolio to Elite Alfred Berg
Finland —
Cromwell Property Group makes a divestment of a light industrial portfolio including five properties located in Helsinki, Espoo, Tampere and Oulu.
Julius Tallberg Acquires from Elite Alfred Berg
Finland —
Property investment company Julius Tallberg-Kiinteistöt acquires an office and industrial property from Elite Kiinteistökehitysrahasto I Ky (fund managed by Elite Alfred Berg).
Why EAB Find the Supply of Retail Assets Sufficient
Finland —
Jaakko Ristola, Head of Real Estate Investment Management at Elite Alfred Berg, on the retail demand in Finland, and how much they want to grow in the logistics segment, going forward.
Why Elite Alfred Berg Target Southern Espoo
Finland —
Jaakko Ristola, Head of Real Estate Investment Management at Elite Alfred Berg, on the retail acquisition in Espoo, and futue investment targets.
EAB's Fund Acquires Retail Property in Espoo
Finland —
Elite Finland Value Added Fund II Ky, managed by Elite Alfred Berg, has continued to increase its property portfolio by acquiring a retail property in the Friisilä area in Espoo.
The Targets of 2020 for Elite Alfred Berg
Finland —
Jaakko Ristola, Head of Real Estate Investment Management at Elite Alfred Berg, on the latest investment and whether it is more difficult to close deals in challenging times.
YIT Sells Apartments to Elite Alfred Berg
Finland —
YIT and Elite Alfred Berg Rental Income non-UCITS Fund have signed an agreement on the sale of 120 apartments located in the Helsinki metropolitan area.
Elite Alfred Berg Acquires Office Property in Espoo
Finland —
Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company has sold an office property in the Leppävaara district in Espoo to Elite Finland Value Added Fund II Ky.
Here Are Elite Alfred Berg's Investment Targets
Finland —
"Grocery stores in particular seem to offer attractive returns," says Jaakko Ristola, Head of Real Estate Investment Management.
Elite Alfred Berg Sells Care Property to EQ Care
Finland —
Elite Alfred Berg’s real estate value add fund Elite Kiinteistökehitysrahasto I Ky has sold a care property to EQ Care special investment fund.