

Emilshus acquires two properties

Sweden Sweden — Emilshus has acquired two light industrial properties with a total lettable area of ​​14,859 square meters. The total annual rental value amounts to SEK 19 million and the average remaining lease term is 13 years.

Emilshus makes acquisition in Halmstad

Sweden Sweden — Emilshus acquires properties in Halmstad for SEK 235 million (EUR 21 million).

Emilshus ready for more acquisitions this fall

Sweden Sweden — During the third quarter, Emilshus has grown in Kalmar and Norrköping – but they have no intention of slowing down. CEO Jakob Fyrberg says that they are ready for new acquisitions and elaborates on what type of properties they are looking for, which areas they want to grow in and why it has become more challenging to find the right deals.

Emilshus buys portfolio from Corem

Sweden Sweden — Corem divests 19 properties in Jönköping, Huddinge and Linköping for SEK 768 million to Emilshus.

Emilshus acquires nine properties

Sweden Sweden — Emilshus has acquired eight properties in Östergötland and one property in Småland with a total lettable area of approximately 15,000 square meters and an average remaining lease term of 2.9 years. Annual rental value amounts to SEK 16.5 million.

Emilshus acquires in Falkenberg

Sweden Sweden — Emilshus has acquired a property in Falkenberg, located along the E6. The property is fully let with Byggmax, Grimsholm Products and Nordic Crane as tenants.

Emilshus turns its eyes to Östergötland and Halland

Sweden Sweden — Emilshus’ financial report for the third quarter of 2023 shows, among other things, a high dividend yield, strong cash flows and a high occupancy rate. “Emilshus is a stable property company, partly because we have long leases and stable property values ​​of seven billion,” says CEO Jakob Fyrberg.

Emilshus Acquires Industrial Property

Sweden Sweden — Emilshus acquires an industrial property in Linköping from Vasaparken.

Lars Göran Bäckvall Has Passed Away

Sweden Sweden — NP3's Co-founder Lars Göran Bäckvall has passed away after a period of illness.

Emilshus Scarps Target of SEK 10 billion in Property Value

Sweden Sweden — Emilshus increased property management results and rental income in 2022. The company also presents new financial goals where the goal of reaching SEK 10 billion in property value before the end of 2024 is omitted.

Jakob Paljak Becomes New COO at Emilshus

Sweden Sweden — Emilshus hires Jakob Paljak as new Chied Operating Officer. Jakob Paljak, who will take up the position on September 19, 2022, will be responsible for the management and development of Emilshus' property portfolio and will be part of the company's management team.

Corem Sells to Emilshus

Sweden Sweden — Corem has signed contracts to divest three properties in Växjö and three properties in Jönköping to Emilshus for a total underlying property value of SEK 615 million.

Emilshus Ready for IPO

Sweden Sweden — Emilshus lists its ordinary shares on Nasdaq Stockholm. No shares are sold in the offer, which values ​​the company at SEK 1,860 million pre money.

Emilshus Sells to Stenvalvet

Sweden Sweden — Emilshus sells preschool property in Växjö to Stenvalvet.

Nyfosa Divests Properties for MSEK 947

Sweden Sweden — Nyfosa has signed an agreement to divest 13 properties at a selling price of approximately MSEK 947 to Fastighetsbolaget Emilshus AB. Through the divestment, Nyfosa builds capacity for new acquisitions with focus on strong and stable cash flows.

Emilshus in Major Deal in Växjö

Sweden Sweden — Emilshus has signed an agreement for the acquisition of 82,000 square meters of commercial premises in Växjö for SEK 1.2 billion.

Emilshus Buys Logistic Properties

Sweden Sweden — In three separate transcations, Emilshus has acquired properties for MSEK 240.

Norama's Entire Portfolio Divested to Three Buyers

Sweden Sweden — Three buyers - Brinova, SLP and Emilshus - acquires Norama Real Estate Fund's 49 commercial properties with a total lettable area of approximately 170,000 square meters. The acquisition price amounts to SEK 2.014 billion.

Sagax Becomes Large Owner in Emilshus

Sweden Sweden — Sagax has today agreed to sell eight properties for MSEK 180 million to Emilshus. Emilshus will pay the purchase price in the form of newly issued shares. Sagax will own 25 perncet of Emilshus.