

Croisette appoints new CEO

Nordic — Croisette Real Estate Partner has today announced Magnus Andersson as its new CEO. Founder and current CEO, Per Svensson, will transition to a new role, "Head of Business Development", while continuing to be active on the board and act as an active owner.

Croisette looks towards Norway after Knight Frank's entry

Nordic — After Croisette last month launched its new partnership with global property advisor Knight Frank, it has been given yet another reason to try to expand operations to the only Nordic country where Croisette does not yet have any operations – Norway. For Nordic Property News, CEO Per Svensson shares more information about the Norwegian ambition, what type of business they want to establish there and how they aim to use the collaboration with Knight Frank to advance in the market.

Round Hill Acquires First Finnish Residential Portfolio

Finland Finland — Round Hill Capital acquires a residential portfolio in Finland, comprising 3,263 units from Avant Capital Partners.