

"Now I can think freely again"

Sweden Sweden — Croisette's founder and current CEO, Per Svensson, is handing over the reins to Magnus Andersson, who intends to focus on growing the company. Nordic Property News has spoken to both the outgoing and incoming CEOs to hear where they intend to take Croisette next.

Croisette appoints new CEO

Nordic — Croisette Real Estate Partner has today announced Magnus Andersson as its new CEO. Founder and current CEO, Per Svensson, will transition to a new role, "Head of Business Development", while continuing to be active on the board and act as an active owner.

Besqab acquires Stockholm building rights

Sweden Sweden — Besqab acquires building rights for approximately 170 residential apartments at Kungsholmen in Stockholm.

"Will make divestments"

Sweden Sweden — Besqab's interim report for January to September 2024 shows a stable third quarter. Sales, turnover and profit are, compared both with the previous quarter and with the corresponding quarter last year, better. "We have a stable quarter where we deliver according to the business plan we communicated earlier this year", says Magnus Andersson.

Besqab completes and delivers first project in Patrizia deal

Sweden Sweden — Besqab has completed and delivered the first project in the portfolio of rental residential projects sold to Patrizia in June 2022. The handover takes place according to schedule.

Besqab sells two properties to Alecta Fastigheter

Sweden Sweden — Besqab has, through a corporate transaction, sold 195 building rights in Solna for a purchase price of approximately SEK 300 million (EUR 25.9 million). Alecta Fastigheter is the buyer of the two properties involved, Solna Banken 18 and Solna Banken 19.

The strategy for the "new" Besqab

Sweden Sweden — The first signs of the merger of Aros Bostad and Besqab into a single company are starting to show. At Thursday's presentation of the quarterly report, CEO Magnus Andersson offered both market analysis and their strategy to become a leading housing developer in Stockholm and Uppsala.

Besqab lays off 25: "Through the merger, unfortunately, a redundancy arises"

Sweden Sweden — On Wednesday, Besqab announced that it intends to notify 25 employees of redundancy following the merger between Aros Bostadsutveckling and Besqab. The new company's CEO, Magnus Andersson, tells Nordic Property News about the announcement and how it feels to give the news to the employees.

New Besqab ready to start more housing projects

Sweden Sweden — The recent merger with Aros Bostad means that Besqab now has great readiness to start more housing projects as the market recovers, according to CEO Magnus Andersson.

This is how the merger will make new Besqab market leading in Stockholm

Sweden Sweden — Aros Bostad and Besqab are to be merged. The vision for the new company, which will be named Besqab, is to become a leading housing developer in Greater Stockholm and Uppsala. "I am proud to have received the question," says new Besqab's future CEO Magnus Andersson. But what happens to the current CEO, Carola Lavén, is still unclear.

Aros Bostad makes bid for Besqab

Sweden Sweden — Aros Bostadsutveckling makes a recommended bid for Besqab. The offer is not in cash but means that the two listed companies will merge. The offer is worth 1.04 shares of ordinary shares and 0.07 preferred shares in Aros Bostadsutveckling for each share in Besqab. The board of Besqab unanimously recommends the shareholders of Besqab to accept Aros Bostad's offer.

Aros Bostad Acquires Company to Strengthens Presence in Attractive Area

Sweden Sweden — Aros Bostad has acquired the company LS Slakthusgränd AB from LaTERRE Ventures AB and Stackelberg Holding AB. The company acquisition is part of the strategy to continuously acquire more attractive project opportunities for Aros Bostad's building rights portfolio.

Aros Bostad in Final Negotiations for the Major Sale

Sweden Sweden — Magnus Andersson, CEO of Aros Bostad: “We expect to be able to close the deal during the second quarter.”

Alm Equity Sells a Building Rights Portfolio and Becomes Large Owner in Aros Bostad

Sweden Sweden — Alm Equity and Aros Bostad have signed a letter of intent and are creating one of Greater Stockholm's largest housing developers. Alm Equity sells a project portfolio of 1,600 building rights to Aros Bostad with payment in shares and thus becomes large owner in the company.

Aros Bostad Buys Building Rights

Sweden Sweden — Aros Bostad has acquired a part of a large development area in Åkers styckebruk, Strängnäs Municipality. The acquisition comprises 20 building rights for detached houses, and the right to acquire another 40 building rights.

Aros Bostad Acquires Uppsala Residential Property

Sweden Sweden — Aros Bostad has acquired a property in Bälinge, Uppsala, with the possibility to develop ca 200 new residential units.