The projects comprise over 230 apartments in total. The start-ups were recorded in the third quarter when the start decisions were made. The projects support YIT’s growth strategy in Finland and in the CEE countries.
The project started in Mankkaa, Espoo, will be completed in winter 2019. The project is located on the side of a peaceful detached house area near excellent connections and services.
The project to be started in Vantaa is part of the city block Valon kortteli constructed by YIT in Tikkurila. The city block consists of four apartment buildings. The project will be completed in autumn 2018.
The project started in Pajala, Järvenpää, has a convenient location right near to the Järvenpää railway station. The area has good services and opportunities for leisure activities. The project will be completed in autumn 2018.
The project to be started in Bratislava, Slovakia is the third phase of Nuppu area development project. The project is completed in summer 2019.
YIT Starts the Construction of New Apartment Buildings

Maria Olsson Äärlaht
[email protected]