The properties are located in the Gothenburg area, Borås, Skövde, Trollhättan, Lysekil and Karlstad, of which the majority are located in Borås (approximately 1,500) and in the Gothenburg area (approximately 1,000). The portfolio varies in size and age and the total leasable area is 309,052 sqm.
After this acquisition Willhem owns 22,800 apartments.
“It is great that we can grow significantly with the current portfolio in Borås and the Gothenburg area while we expand in new locations, in Trollhättan and Skövde for example. All properties have attractive locations, are well taken care of and have great potential” says Willhem’s CEO Mikael Granath.
The combined value of Willhem’s property portfolio after this deal amounts to SEK 23,2 billion (€2,5 bilion) which is a 27 percent increase in the new year.
After the divestment Akelius owns 17,400 apartments in Sweden, of which 8,700 are in Stockholm and 6,600 in the Östersund region.
Willhem Makes Large Purchase from Akelius

Nicklas Tollesson
[email protected]